Annovi Reverberi
Founded in 1958 in Modena, in the heart of the Italian engineering district, AnnoviReverberi is today a modern company, flexible and steadily expanding which stands tall as a major manufacturing group and market presence. The organisation's strength is encoded in its DNA. It comes from the founding partner's skills and personal experience, the dynamic nature of the Italian manufacturing district that provided the perfect terrain for the company's inception and subsequent development, an exceptionally talented and dedicated workforce, and the plurality and excellence of the interrelated professional competences involved.
For decades a world's leading manufacturer of diaphragm pumps for agriculture and piston pumps for industrial washing, AnnoviReverberi today boasts also a major presence in cleaning sector thanks to its high pressure cleaners, for both private and professional use, representing pioneering solutions in the global market.
The company is present in five continents and more than a hundred countries with a network of manufacturing and commercial facilities which allow a direct presence in local markets, in a strategy of total focus on the needs of end customers. The organisation's remarkable vigour is underpinned by permanent innovation, relentless research to identify ever more efficient solutions, and the ability to meet and anticipate customer demands and accept the market challenges.