Trailed Plant-Feeder For Fertilizing PP-5000-02

A plant-feeder with liquid fertilizer tank made of polyethylene. The thickness of the walls of the tank - 10 mm. Productivity of the pump - 500 liters per minute. The volume of fertilizer in the tank - 5000 liters. Easy to transport.
Trailed Plant-Feeder For Fertilizing
TPF series, model 5000-02
Plant-feeder expands the field of application cultivators allowing using them to cultivate the soil with fertilizers (mineral, in liquid form). To do this it's need to unite the plant-feeder to cultivator or to tractor by trailed or semi-trailed connection. Chassis is designed to make it easier to transport the plant-feeder. It has excellent passability due to the driven front axle. The load is distributed evenly, due to the fact that the front axle is also balancing.
The tank of plant-feeder for liquid fertilizer is made of polyethylene. The thickness of its walls is 10mm.
Fertilizers fed from the plant-feeder tank to the cultivator with a simple and reliable supply and distribution system. It used centrifugal pump of American production, driven by tractor hydraulics, and electrical distributor of Italian manufacturer "ARAG", evenly distributing fertilizers to the sections of the cultivator. The pipes of feed fertilizer have two output holes that prevents them from clogging with the soil.
The technological process is well thought out. Fertilizers are supplied through nozzles with dosing washers having calibrated holes. Thanks to them, the fertilizer evenly goes to the working bodies of the cultivator across its width. In addition, the design of the nozzle prevents the leakage of the working liquid from the system if the pressure falls below 0.5 atm. Fertilizers are supplied at a working pressure of 4-6 atmospheres and reduce the chances of clogging the pipes and other elements of the system.
Unlike the model TPF-5000-01, where the control of the feeding system is carried out from the tractor cab (by installed inside the remote control of the fertilizer dispenser), this model of plant-feeder equipped with an electrovalve. It makes it possible to disconnect the feed during the stops or turns of the unit. Thus, economic losses from the leakage of liquid fertilizers are minimized, the environment and employee safety are preserved.
Автор: Александр Малый
For using the large capacity tanks (12m3, 25m3, 50 m3) for storage of liquid fertilizer it’s available to order the set of "The equipment for storage of liquid mineral fertilizer".